- Project Name: 2TPH alfalfa hay feed pellet plant
- Feed Pellet Plant Capacity: 2T/h
- Raw Materials: mainly alfalfa hay.
- Purpose: making alfalfa hay feed pellets.
- Machines in this alfalfa pellet plant: screw feeder, 6 sets of ZLSP300 feed pellet mills, etc.
This alfalfa hay feed pellet plant uses 6 sets of ZLSP300 feed pellet mills to make 2TPH alfalfa hay pellet. The client makes alfalfa pellets to sell to feed manufacturing factory as a composition of complete feed, or directly feed cattle and sheep as an important kind of protein supplement feed.

Make Alfalfa Feed Pellets
Alfalfa is a type of legume that is grown all over the world as food for livestock. As a legume, Alfalfa converts nitrogen from the atmosphere to plant proteins that can be consumed by living beings. It is harvested at most times as hay. Alfalfa can also be used in the form of silage, can be grazed and also can be served to the livestock as green chop. Among all hay crops, Alfalfa contains the highest feeding value.Nutritional Value of Alfalfa
Alfalfa is primarily used to feed cows that produce large amounts of milk, due to the presence of high levels of protein and fiber that is digestible. A secondary use of the Alfalfa is to feed beef cattle. In addition to feeding beef cattle, it can also be used to feed horses, sheep, and goats. Hay made from Alfalfa is widely used to provide protein and fiber for rabbits reared for meat.Alfalfa as a Source of Protein
A high protein, low fiber feed is called "high-quality forage" by the producers of beef. Alfalfa that has been cut at an early date, that is, has a late bud and at an early blossom stage, could store from sixteen percent to twenty percent crude protein. Alfalfa that has been cut at while late could also contain twelve percent to fifteen percent crude protein, while fiber ranges from twenty to twenty-eight percent for early cut and late cut alfalfa. Alfalfa has great quality since more than seventy percent of the protein is digestible.Alfalfa as a Source of Energy
Alfalfa among all forages has the highest feeding value. The feed is also suitable as a source of energy. Twenty-five bushels of corn have the equivalent Total Digestible Nutrients as a tonne of Alfalfa. In a beef cow, Alfalfa passes through its lumen in half the time that grass hay takes. Animals that feed on alfalfa hay, grow at a faster rate, produce more milk and have better maintenance rates in comparison to animals that feed on other types of forage.Alfalfa as a Source of Vitamins
Leafy alfalfa that is harvested green has high levels of carotene, which is the precursor of Vitamin A. High-quality alfalfa is suitable for furnishing the vitamin state of an animal that has Vitamin A deficiency. Alfalfa is also a source of Vitamin E; the presence of Vitamin E however, is dependent on the type of soil the alfalfa grew on. "White muscle disease that leads to serious calve losses is caused by Vitamin E deficiency. Sun-cured alfalfa is a great source of Vitamins K and D.Alfalfa as a Source of Minerals
When 1lb of alfalfa hay is given to cows per 100 pounds of body-weight, the animal will get to its daily requirements for zinc, potassium, sulfur, iron, calcium, and magnesium. The phosphorus levels of alfalfa are moderate but are enough if the supply is 2/3 of the needed daily requirements. Alfalfa has high levels of calcium that is vital for the young growing bulls, heifers, and lactating mothers.
The greatest levels of nutrients especially protein and energy are in the alfalfa leaves. The stem, on the other hand, has nutrient content same as that of grass hay. In late summer, alfalfa is the cheapest feed and during early fall during low-quality forage grazing, when cows are in their mid-trimester of pregnancy. Great quality alfalfa is available abundantly locally with various distributors available for people who could require delivery to their farms.
So we can see that alfalfa is a great source of animal feed pellets. If you have large quantity of alfalfa grass, you can choose our alfalfa feed pellet plant to make great profit!